by Justin Merino

Our mission is simple



A 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in support of culture, environmental, health & socially sustainable communities. Driven by our collaborative and organic DNA, kulturspace produces social, cultural, and creative projects via our creative think tank and production collective.

The kulturspace manifesto

Let’s talk about CULTURE.

Our culture defines everything about us:

Who we are
What we stand for
How we speak
Think, and
Interact with those around us

It’s no different for your brand.

Your culture:

Shapes your brand identity
Determines your consumer base
Attracts compatible partners, and
Inspires your employees

How to express your culture in a clear, compelling, and memorable way?

Two words: kulturspace it.

1: Create culture-driven content with a distinctive voice and brand identity.
2: Tell engaging stories that focus on your values and aspirations as a brand.
3: Craft consistent and clear narratives using images, videos, graphics, and text.
4: Keep it simple, engaging, and most of all, be authentic.

At kulturspace, we do all of the above, and so much more.  

Driven by our collaborative and organic DNA, we:
Lead creative projects and culture-driven productions
Create physical spaces to promote cultural concepts and installations, and
Take the conversation further on social and cultural issues

That’s our culture. What’s yours?


With an international team of mixed cultures and nationalities, our projects benefit from a wealth of cross-cultural perspectives. Being independent creatives, each team member also brings on board his/her individual network of contacts and access to resources, effectively allowing us to take our projects further.