by Justin Merino


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Make Your Photography Special Workshop


Current photography student? Send a copy of your school ID and class is FREE!

this is a unique 3 hr. workshop aimed at image makers who want to take their photography to the next level and start to make truly remarkable and special photographs. 
what is it that makes an image special in the first place? 
what are the mental and technical tools and skills i can apply to make my images more personal and unique?


we will explore the following concepts and ideas:
-the construction of meaning, narrative, editing
-representation, viewpoint
-truth and the politics of the image

- 3 hrs. workshop 
- €165
- space is limited to 8 participants, which makes for a close one-on-one experience.
- the workshop is held in english
- certificate of participation

take part if you 
- want to bring your photography to the next level
- if you need an dose of inspiration
- interested in getting an honest and reality based critique of your work

what to bring
- 3 images of your own (print or digital)
- your own camera
- usb stick

the workshop is conceived to question & explore the photographic image as a subject. we'll teach you technical and analytical practices while discussing and analyzing a range of images & various photographic styles, focusing on pop-cultural imagery. 
we encourage an intensive and focused experience that leads to critical learning, while stimulating you to take a fresh look at the 'photographic image' while laying the groundwork for developing your own photographic language.

this workshop is lead by renowned photographer and kulturspace creative director per zennström, widely known for is distinctive style and flair. he will share his professional insider tips, industry practices as well as tried and tested methods. per's vision is to shape your mindset with the goal of advancing your career.
apart from his work as photographer and creative director per zennström is also a guest teacher at the prestigious photo institutions: fotoskolan sthlm and berliner teknische kunsthochschule.

this intensive workshop introduces a range of both mental frameworks and technical best-photographical-practices; founded upon the notions that the traditional models are 'broken' and we as 'future' photographers need a dose of new thinking . we aim to enable an understanding of what 'the photograph as a document' has been and what it might become. the workshop will encourage you to explore the full potential of the image as a channel to "get your story out".